If you were brought over in a slave ship from Africa where you were forced to leave all of your known surroundings, religion and loved ones, (support system) and were bought by a slave Master in America to work his plantation for his profit and financial growth and gain, never yours, how would you feel to find out now in your old age, that the Government had given you your freedom in the Civil War that ended back in 1865 and from henseforth, you could have been a freeman?
But your Master because he was so greedy, never allowed outsiders to come onto his land and you never knew until your life was almost over that your freedom was there for the taking. How do you feel?
It is so ridiculous that the Governing Body call themselves "The Slave". Question from Elders interrogating you: Do you Believe The Slave is the true and only Voice from God??? WE are the slaves! Not them! Pompous you know what's!
It is hard to come to the realization, that one has been duped, swindled ON PURPOSE!!! so the GB can live in one of their tax-free haven's, their cushy life supported off the sweat of others!
My heart goes out to everyone of us who has had their life stolen by these deceitful evil Slave Masters!!!